Session 2~For Further Reflection: “The Comforting Face of God”
1) Are you experiencing God’s comforting face toward you? If so, describe how this feels, using heart language.
2) When have you experienced God comforting you? Describe the experience. Now describe how this feels, using heart language.
3) Can you truly trust God with yourself? Ponder the answer that arises. Talk with God about the answer.
4) Spend time reflecting on your answers. What is being revealed?
5) Offer this prayer:
Comforting God, I bring to you my concerns
(offer prayers of concern):
speak tenderly to me; speak to the fading and withered places;
speak comfort to broken bodies, minds, and relationships.
I long to see valleys lifted up and mountains made low
so I might walk on straight paths,
confident in your forgiveness,
and ready to hear your words of love and peace.
Comforting God, I bring to you my joys
(offer prayers of praise):
I revel in the joy of your embrace.
When I see good things spring up from the ground, I say,
“Here is my God!”
When I hear voices of comfort and wisdom, I say,
“Here is my God!”
I live in thankfulness, knowing that you walk with me. AMEN
(Adapted from Leader Magazine, Fall 2008, MennoMedia)
6) Conclude with this blessing:
As you go, know that God holds you securely and tenderly.
Live justly and seek the ways of peace.
God will restore you.
God’s face will shine on you, and you will be saved.