June is sharing an online Advent retreat with videos and reflection questions posted each Wednesday in Advent.
Questions For Further Reflection
1) Are you experiencing God’s face hidden from you? If so, describe how this feels, using heart language.
2) When have you experienced God’s “shining, shimmering face?” Describe the experience. Now describe how this feels, using heart language.
3) Or, would you rather remain hidden from God? If so, describe this desire and how does it impact your life?
4) Spend time reflecting on your answers. What is being revealed?
5) Offer this prayer:
Hidden God, I bring to you my concerns
(offer prayers of concern):
For the darkness of waiting,
Of not knowing what is to come,
Of staying ready and quiet and attentive,
I praise you, O God.
Hidden God, I bring to you my joys
(offer prayers of praise):
For the darkness of hoping
In a world which longs for you,
For the wrestling and laboring of all creation
For wholeness and justice and freedom,
I praise you, O God. AMEN
(adapted from Janet Morley, All Desires Known, pp. 58-59)
6) Conclude with this blessing:
As you go, know that God is faithful in your darkness.
God is as near to you as a loving parent
And molds you according to the divine purpose.
God will restore you.
God’s face will shine on you, and you will be saved.
(from Leader Magazine, Fall 2008, MennoMedia)
During this time of isolation I have found God closer and real than at other times of my life. I find that comforting.