The Hermitage is a retreat community in southwest Michigan that specializes in personal silent retreats.
The Hermitage is…
A place of retreat, following Jesus’ pattern of taking time away from daily tasks in order to be fully attuned to the divine mission on this fragile earth home — letting go of control and emptying oneself — embracing healing; refusing the power our pain and fear have over us and submitting to the enabling freedom of God.
A community of companionship where staff and other spiritual directors are prepared to walk with guests in discerning the use of retreat time or on an ongoing basis — where we give the permission of silence to each other as we listen for God’s voice — where each person is encouraged to cooperate with God in the ongoing process of being made a new creature in Christ.
62 acres of rolling hills in southwest Michigan — private rooms, meeting space, prayer/meditation rooms, chapel, beautiful views, hospitable atmosphere, birdsong, and trails for leisurely walking.
A church-related ministry endorsed by the Indiana-Michigan Conference of the Mennonite Church, USA.
The Hermitage Mission
As Jesus was revitalized for being about his Father’s business by periodic withdrawal to retreat and prayer, so The Hermitage seeks in its mission:
- To be a prayer community, available as a place of spiritual formation where scripture, silence, nature, group experiences, and personal companioning are cultivated elements of retreat.
- To provide a guesthouse away from daily tasks where pastors and other pilgrims can deepen their call and relationship with God, be refreshed in their whole person and be revitalized by the presence and promise of Christ.