Parent-Child Retreat in June

Have you been to the Hermitage for a personal retreat and wondered what it might be like to invite your child(ren) into this spiritual experience? Join us for a parent/child retreat for two nights, June 11th (2-5pm arrival)-13th! There will be rhythms of child-friendly contemplative prayer practices in the mornings and evenings led by Daina Kraai, Ministry Director at Creston Church in Grand Rapids. Daina has 15+ years experience working with children in spiritual settings and three children of her own. She believes deeply in the agency of children as worshippers and hearers of God, alongside adults. 

After breakfast, there will be opportunities to work side by side with your child(ren) in The Hermitage’s garden, led by Lance Kraai, an urban farmer and youth worker at New City Neighbors. After lunch there will be self-led free time options open including water play if it’s hot, scavenger hunt trails, labyrinth, etc. 

We invite you to enter into a space of both prayer and play, silence and curiosity as we learn from each other (of all ages) how to experience and encounter a God who meets us right where we are. This retreat is designed for children ages 3-12. (Other ages are welcome, but they may not be as engaged with the materials). 

If you are worried about keeping silence with your children, don’t fear! We will help shape language around this in an inviting way that is age appropriate and not overly restrictive. We’ll work together for it at the appropriate times, while also appreciating that children are children made in the image of a playful God! 

Spaces are limited, so sign up soon! Cost for a parent and child for the event is $310 ($350 for parent and two children in same room).

Contact  for programming questions.

For reservations and questions about possible rooms/beds/cabins, please reach out to Hermitage staff:


Lent Retreat 2025

Facilitated by Joel and Patty Hogan

March 8, 9:30am-3:30pm $90 Lunch included

On Saturday, March 4, 2023, the Hermitage invites you to participate in a Lenten retreat of Lament.  We will work in small groups to write communal laments, and we will write individual, personal laments as well.  Time will be given to bear witness to both small group and individual lament as participants are willing.

Lamentation, or Lament, is a God-given and biblical way to respond to and process grief and loss. When we lament, we give voice to the sacred stories of our lives and our world as they are disrupted, and as we strive to find meaning and resolve.

Psalm 102: 1-2

“A Prayer of the Afflicted when he is faint and pours out his complaint before the Lord.
Hear my prayer, O Lord!
And let my cry for help come to You.
Do not hide Your face from me in the day of my distress;
Incline Your ear to me;
In the day when I call answer me quickly.”


Join us by emailing to reserve your seat

(Fully Booked) 2024 Making Room in Advent Retreat

The 2024 Advent Retreat will be led by Bette Dickinson. Join us for advent mediations on Christ’s incarnation…

Saturday 7 December

Optional for overnight guests on Friday:

7pm – Friday evening session

Led by author and artist Bette Dickinson, this retreat invites you to journey through the Advent story in a contemplative setting, drawing from Bette’s book, Making Room in Advent. As we reflect on the lives of Zechariah, Elizabeth, Mary, and others in the first chapters of Luke, we are invited to find ourselves in their stories—stories of yearning, questioning, and transformation.

Like Zechariah and Elizabeth, we too know what it is like to wait in barrenness, longing for God to answer our prayers. Like Mary, we have asked “How will this be?” when faced with the mystery of God’s call. Through these stories, we catch a glimpse of God’s unfolding plan of redemption, not just for Israel, but for all people—including us.

This retreat provides time for individual reflection, guided by a retreat booklet, and the opportunity to walk with these stories through Bette’s original 18 paintings from Making Room in Advent, on display in the Phoenix Gallery. Through spiritual practices such as visio divina, led by Bette, participants will lean in and listen to what God is saying through their own stories, making room for Him to dwell within.

As God’s salvation transforms the characters in Luke, we too are challenged to receive His presence in our humanity, yearnings, and longings. Together, we will make space for Christ, trusting that as He makes His home in us, the world will see Jesus in the flesh. There will also be opportunities to connect in community, share reflections, and prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ this Advent season.

Bette’s art will be on display at the Hermitage in the Phoenix Gallery and buildings throughout the fall 2024–come check it out!

Bette Dickinson is a prophetic artist, writer, and speaker who invites audiences to connect with God through visual parables of the spiritual journey in her ministry Awakening the Soul. She has worked with organizations like Barna, World Vision, InterVarsity, Infinitum, and Community Christian Church to awaken the soul through beauty and wonder. Bette and her husband live in Traverse City Michigan with their two boys.

Bette has an MDiv. in Pastoral Studies from Grand Rapids Theological Seminary, and is the author of Making Room in Advent: 25 Devotions for a Season of Wonder (IVP, 2022)

Register for the Advent Retreat! (If only registering for Saturday and not overnight, select ‘any room’ in the form and note in the comments that you are just coming for Saturday. Please note in the comments if you would like to join the additional session on Friday evening)

Price for the Retreat:

Day Retreat with Lunch

$125 individual day retreat suggested donation

– Subsidized Price: $75

Overnight + Day retreat with meals:

$225 (single) individual day retreat + overnight

– Subsidized Price: $175

$255 (double) individual day retereat + overnight

– Subsidized Price: $205

(mention in the comments section of the form that you are registering for the advent retreat–note that guest rooms will likely only be available for overnight guests)

Would you like to meet with someone for spiritual direction during your retreat? (Requested amount of $50-75 per session.) Fees for sessions with David or Naomi Wenger or Christina Rhebergen should be paid directly to them.
We serve vegetarian meals and strive to accommodate guests's allergies. With at least one week's notice, we are able to accommodate for gluten, corn, dairy, soy, and peanut free meals. For diet preferences or if allergies are more complicated, please bring food to supplement what we provide.
Massages are available through appointment with David Wenger (and paid to David directly). If you request a massage here we will reach out to David and he will get in touch with you regarding schedule availability during your stay.
Please enter your email address here if you would like to receive our e-newsletter (usually sent once per month).

“Nurturing Spiritual Connection:  The Incredible Wisdom & Liberation of Forgiveness”

A Transformational Experiential Retreat   GilChrist Retreat Cntr

Wednesday, March 13    10-3:30   $95

Forgiving unleashes Energy—Nurtures all our relationships—sets us free!

     WHAT:  Personalized inner work in a supportive group–through stories, gentle   humor, guided visualizations, journaling, sound immersion & moments of prayerful meditation when we may ask our angels to assist us.

         One “Forgiveness Myth”                                                                                                                   “Forgiving means I’m telling one who wronged me that it doesn’t matter”  NOT!


Forgiveness=powerful tool to send healing PEACE energy into our war-torn planet                                                                             Even if you can’t attend, you’re encouraged to practice forgiveness


***   Includes a Very Special SOUND IMMERSION    ***

“Awaken to Sound “  5 practitioners playing Sacred TIBETAN singing bowls hand made by monks as they chanted prayers for health, abundance, peace—                                         These are the high vibrations that will surround us!

 Bring:  journal, blankets for the                                           meditations & Sound Immersion.                                                              Lunch, tea, coffee will be provided.

The presenter discovered the power of forgiveness during a health crisis.      She now feels called to facilitate others  healing, renewed energy & freedom. 

“Tere created a soothing space and through her skillful guidance, I began major healing from decades of anguish and pain.”  Testimonial from prior participant

REGISTER & Questions:  Email or text:   269 329-9494                           

 “Nurturing Spiritual Connection: The Incredible Wisdom & Liberation of Forgiveness”     A special 5 person Sound Immersion is part of this retreat!*

Wednesday, March 13, 2024,  10-3:30  $95  at Gilchrist Retreat Center, 3R, MI

Forgiveness is underrated and misunderstood! It is a remarkably potent tool that has come to us in our wisdom literature as well as in current science. Its healing effects are documented in relationships, decreasing susceptibility to disease and increasing recovery from disease.

Forgiving unleashes spiritual energy, opening connections within us, between us, God and the planet. It sets us free. It’s a form of spiritual nurture and strength that unblocks our energy systems—keeps them flowing. 

We will look at the pungent ideas of author Caroline Myss who describes forgiveness as “healing…a necessity, a Mystical Law”. Of course, we resis forgiveness when we believe ‘forgiveness falsities’ like the myth: “Forgiving means I’m telling one who wronged me that it doesn’t matter”. We will focus on melting resistance through stories, gentle humor, moments of prayerful meditation when we may ask our angels to assist us.

Opportunities to experience forgiveness in a supportive environment will be provided through guided and open-ended meditations, silence, journaling and a very special sound session which will create healing vibrations. The presenter discovered the power of forgiveness during a health crisis. She now feels called to facilitate others’ healing, renewed energy and freedom.

A very special “Sound Immersion” session will be provided by Awaken to Sound, 5 sound practitioners playing sacred singing bowls. These bowls were hand-made by Tibetan monks as they chanted prayers for health, abundance, peace and these are the vibrations they release. Please bring a journal and blankets for floor relaxation and Sound Immersion. Lunch, tea and coffee will be provided.

This is a transformational, experiential workshop. Cradled in the solitude of Gilchrist Retreat Center, you will have space to discover what actions are right for you. Our reconciliation work will send healing vibrations into our war-torn world. You are invited to practice forgiveness privately, even if you cannot attend!

To register, pls email Tere Krueger at

Contemplative Watercolor Retreat

Join us for a day of Contemplative and Creative Reflection on Sacred Scripture  Using Watercolors
with Nahed Fernando, Spiritual Director. 
Date: Saturday, May 18, 2024.
Time: 9:00 am to 4:00 pm
             The Hermitage Community
             11321 Dutch Settlement Rd
             Three Rivers, MI  49093
With Scripture inspiring us, let us nurture our sense of wonder and creativity.
While delving into the spiritual practices of reading, reflecting, and responding to Scripture,  you will be guided into using watercolor painting and journaling to aid in deeply absorbing the truths of God’s word and presence in your life. 
Through creative expression, we will seek to quiet the noises and voices that so routinely occupy our lives and practice ways to hear and recognize God’s voice and invitation. 
You may arrive on Friday and/or stay on Saturday night, extending your retreat time for an added fee. When you register, please indicate if you would like spiritual direction with Nahed who will be available until noon on Sunday (for an additional reduced fee).   
The cost is $120 per person, includes the day retreat on Saturday, lunch, and all supplies. Please bring your own journal. 
A $50 non-refundable deposit is requested to save your spot and purchase supplies. 
Painting experience is helpful but not required.

Outdoor gardens and walking paths will be available. 



Advent 2023 – Creches from Around the World

Advent Day Retreat led by Faith Bierma and Patty Hogan
December 9

Event Highlights:
*Advent Hymn Sing
*Lectio Divina 
*Practice of Listen Prayer
*Exploration of the Depiction of the Nativity from Around the World
*Small Group Discussion and Processing
To register, please fill in the registration form and note in the comments that you would like to register for the advent retreat. Thank you!
Would you like to meet with someone for spiritual direction during your retreat? (Requested amount of $50-75 per session.) Fees for sessions with David or Naomi Wenger or Christina Rhebergen should be paid directly to them.
We serve vegetarian meals and strive to accommodate guests's allergies. With at least one week's notice, we are able to accommodate for gluten, corn, dairy, soy, and peanut free meals. For diet preferences or if allergies are more complicated, please bring food to supplement what we provide.
Massages are available through appointment with David Wenger (and paid to David directly). If you request a massage here we will reach out to David and he will get in touch with you regarding schedule availability during your stay.
Please enter your email address here if you would like to receive our e-newsletter (usually sent once per month).

Howard Thurman Retreat

Join Us for a Day of Reflection and Inspiration!

Howard Thurman 1-Day Retreat led by Dr. Phillip Johnson

The Search for Common Ground

Howard Thurman

A Beacon of Hope


On the anniversary of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birth we reflect on the life and work of Dr. Howard Thurman. Dr. Thurman was spiritual advisor to Dr. King and one of the principal architects of the modern, nonviolent civil rights movement.

Dr. Thurman devoted his life and work to the quest for common ground. He believed that the quest for community begins with the contemplative life and when our inner sense of wholeness, integration, and harmony is awakened we become “apostles of sensitiveness” who work for transformation in the world even as we are working on it in ourselves. Dr. Thurman challenges us to move deep into our own hearts to move nearer to the inner experiences of all peoples, cultures, and faiths. During these troubled and fragile times, Dr. Howard Thurman is a beacon of hope for those who dream and continue the search for common ground. Through prayer, meditation, reflection, and small group discussions, we invite you to listen to “the sound of the genuine” within, as we reimagine the search for common ground amid the challenges and threats we face today.


Date: 20 January 2024

Time: 9am-430pm

The Hermitage

11321 Dutch Settlement Road

Three Rivers, MI 49093


Event Highlights:

  • Howard Thurman’s Wisdom and Teachings
  • Delicious Lunch Included
  • Prayer
  • Meditation
  • Small Group Discussion
  • Reflection and Community


Retreat Day Schedule

8:30 AM – 9:00 AM: Registration and Welcome (informal)

9:00 AM – 10:30 AM: Opening Meditation and Intro to Howard Thurman

10:45 AM – 12:30 PM: Workshop 1: The Quest for Community

12:30 PM – 1:30 PM: Hermitage Lunch

1:45 PM – 3:30 PM Workshop 2: Meditation, Howard Thurman: Spiritual Activist

3:45 PM – 5:00 PM: Silent /Personal Reflection

4:30 PM – 5:00 PM – Departure

Facilitator Bio

Dr. Johnson is a retreat leader, speaker, spiritual director*, associate professor of counselor education and counseling psychology, licensed professional counselor, who has authored journal articles and book chapters. He desires to support all people on their spiritual journeys and help them to embrace a deeper sense of their inherent somebodiness as they discover their unique sacred calling.

*Certified Spiritual Director, (Completed Spiritual Formation and Practicum at Dominican Center Marywood, Aquinas College)

Cost: 85 USD

Registration Details: To register, please fill in the reservation request form. Please note in the comments of the form that you are registering for the Thurman Retreat.

Would you like to meet with someone for spiritual direction during your retreat? (Requested amount of $50-75 per session.) Fees for sessions with David or Naomi Wenger or Christina Rhebergen should be paid directly to them.
We serve vegetarian meals and strive to accommodate guests's allergies. With at least one week's notice, we are able to accommodate for gluten, corn, dairy, soy, and peanut free meals. For diet preferences or if allergies are more complicated, please bring food to supplement what we provide.
Massages are available through appointment with David Wenger (and paid to David directly). If you request a massage here we will reach out to David and he will get in touch with you regarding schedule availability during your stay.
Please enter your email address here if you would like to receive our e-newsletter (usually sent once per month).

Women’s Experiential Prayer Retreat

Encounter Prayer in a new way! Come and unleash the imagination and creativity of prayer through unexpected mediums.  Using art, nature, movement, silence, and listening, we connect with God using all of our senses and honor the Lord who created our whole selves- and engages us wholly.

There will be guided workshops and space for personal reflection and group processing. Presenters: Faith Bierma, Patty Hogan, Mary Knapp, and more!

Come for the total experience: Friday afternoon to Sunday morning, meals included: $250, or come for the day on Saturday 9-4:30, lunch included : $75

Please RSVP at, space is limited!

Spaces open for Women’s Retreat this weekend – April 14-16

Come and encounter God and His unprecedented dreams for your life surrounded by nature and intentional time away in solitude. 
This is a 3-day experience that provides a Holy Spirit tailored setting for a small but powerful group of like-minded women to encounter the presence of God. This will be a beautiful time of building genuine relationship and greater intimacy with God, self, and others. 
Identity & Purpose Coach | Writer | Storyteller
“May the heavens split, earth tremble, & sea roar
to welcome the truest parts of you that ever lived.”