Lent Quiet Day – The Truth About Freedom

The Hermitage 11321 Dutch Settlement Rd, Three RIvers, MI, United States

Lent is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word for “spring.” It denotes the lengthening of days. In Christian practice, it is a time for honest introspection and long reflection on the


Women’s Silent Retreat

A silent retreat for women at the Hermitage will be hosted by the Sanctuary at Bear Creek on 14-16 October 2022 .  There are a few openings still available! Please

Advent Quiet Day 2022 – Presenter Naomi Wenger

“...Christ plays in ten thousand places, Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his
To the Father through the features of men's faces.”
These words from the closing of Gerard Manley Hopkin’s untitled sonnet, form a framework for an Advent Quiet Day reflection on Being, Doing, Incarnation and Divinization. Join with Naomi in a day-long meditation on one of Hopkin’s most beloved poems. As we prepare for the darkening days of Advent and the remembrance of the incarnate birth of the son of God, we take a few hours to remember that we participate in this great movement of God earthward by approaching the fullness of “our life ... hidden in Christ with God” (Colossians 3:3).


Advent 2023 – Creches from Around the World

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Advent Day Retreat led by Faith Bierma and Patty Hogan Maranatha!  December 9 9am-4:30pm Event Highlights: *Advent Hymn Sing *Lectio Divina  *Practice of Listen Prayer *Exploration of the Depiction of


Howard Thurman Retreat

Chapel of the Transfiguration

Dr. Thurman was spiritual advisor to Dr. King and one of the principal architects of the modern, nonviolent civil rights movement.