Seeking God’s Face: The In-Dwelling Face of God. Advent retreat part 4

Scripture texts for this session: 2 Samuel 7: 1-11, Luke 1: 26-38

For Further Reflection: “The In-Dwelling Face of God”

  1. Are you experiencing God’s “in-dwelling” face turned toward you? If so, describe how this feels, using heart language.
  2. When have you experienced God dwelling within you? Describe the experience. Now describe how this feels, using heart language.
  3. When have you witnessed God’s in-dwelling in your neighborhood, your community? Ponder the answer that arises. Talk with God about the answer.
  4. Spend time reflecting on your answers. What is being revealed? Is there an invitation emerging?
  5. Offer this prayer:
    Indwelling God, I bring to you my concerns
              (offer prayers of concern):
    I struggle with my desire to keep control of my life.
    My complacency fills me, leaving little room for Your presence.
    My wealth and power isolate me from the suffering of others.
               Have mercy on me, O God.
    Indwelling God, I bring to you my joys
               (offer prayers of praise):
    I rejoice today because You extend grace to me in my unworthiness.
    I live expectantly, for I long to be Your dwelling place.
    I live in hope for nothing is impossible with God.
    Thanks be to God. AMEN 


    (Adapted from Leader Magazine, Fall 2008, MennoMedia)

  6. Conclude with this blessing:
    As you go, rejoice–
           for God has remembered you with favor.
           Tell everyone of the great things God does for you.
           God’s face will shine on you, and you will be saved!