The Land Restoration Committee of the Hermitage Board has created a new Triple-spiral Labyrinth in the east meadow of The Hermitage. The labyrinth was blessed by 23 prayerful walkers during The Feast of the Transfiguration Retreat held on Saturday, August 8. Margie Pfeil led the group in reflections on the Triple-spiral form, linking it to the Trinity, the natural triple rhythms of our lives (past, present, future; birth, life, death), and to the naturally occurring spirals we encounter (our comet home, wave forms, water and air currents, shells, plant growth, etc.). Patty Hogan enumerated three gifts of the Triple-spiral labyrinth. It helps us to experience our lives as pilgrims (involved in our journeys) rather than as tourists (just passing through). The labyrinth helps us to slow down if we engage in seven pauses on the way (one before beginning and six as we pass through the centers of the labyrinth). It also teaches us that our lives are not lived in straight lines but are curved and continuously being revealed. Guests of The Hermitage are invited to use the Triple-spiral Labyrinth as an aid to prayer or just as a relaxing way to enter into retreat. The labyrinth slows ones walk through the meadow. Come and enjoy this new feature of the Hermitage landscape.