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“House Built of Sky” Wall Stuffing (Mini-Groups)
June 9, 2020 - June 13, 2020

With the foundation of the Hermitage house now complete and exterior wall framing in process, clay/straw wall construction will begin mid-June. Come join us for community fun and work June 9-13 and June 16-20. We are organizing work crews of up to 10 persons each day. Come for a day, two days or a week. Lodging on the premises is possible as needed, please contact Kevin, contact@hermitagecommunity.org or (269) 244-8696 to discuss the lodging options.
Building with clay and straw is a centuries old method of house construction called Leichtlehmbau (ly’-shlem-bow), which means light (straw) clay building. Straw provides thermal resistance (R value) and binds with the clay. Clay protects the straw from fire, vermin and mold while providing thermal mass qualities that allow the wall to regulate temperature and humidity within the building. The vapor permeable wall system acts as a heat exchanging / air filtering medium. Extraction and transportation aside, there is no petroleum used to manufacture these basic building materials.
Morning Prayer will be in the chapel from 8-8:30, for those interested. We will gather to work at 8:45 for COVID-19 check-in and Builder’s Circle exercise. Work will commence at 9:00 and end promptly at 5:00.
All workers should bring their own mask, gloves and eye protection. We will get very dirty. Wear appropriate clothes and sturdy footwear.
Most of the first week is now full. We have volunteer openings on June 13, and June 16-20