work day
Giving Thanks Work Day and Potluck
You are invited to join the Ecosystems Discernment Committee in preparing the land for winter and giving thanks for the bounty of the Earth. There will be several outdoor projects to match all skill and energy levels. Rake leaves, spread compost, lay out a new garden expansion, dig a foundation for the garden shed, cut …
EDC Work Day
Hermitage Parking Lot 11321 Dutch Settlement Road, Three Rivers, MIThe Ecosystems Discernment Committee is sponsoring a Spring Work Day from 9:00 to 3:00. Come for Morning Prayer at 8:00. We will be doing outdoor work related to the garden, trail maintenance, prayer garden clean-up, and general outdoor clean-up from winter. Let us know you are coming and plan to bring a bag lunch.
EDC Work Day – Invasives Eradication Focus
The Ecosystems Discernment Committee is sponsoring a work day focused on the eradication of invasive plants in our woodland and prairie. Come prepared to work with long sleeves, long pants and close-toed shoes. Join us at 8:00 for Morning Prayer. The workday begins at 9:00 am. Let us know you are coming and we will …
Hermitage Jam Work Day
Hermitage Parking Lot 11321 Dutch Settlement Road, Three Rivers, MIThe annual jam-making workday will be held Friday, August 4 from 9 am - 4 pm. Join us for a day of berrying, jam-preparation and fellowship. There are tasks in the field or the woods, and in the kitchen for all. If you have ever wanted to learn to make jam, this event is for …
EDC Garden Work Day
The Ecosystems Discernment Committee is hosting a work day to prepare the Garden for planting. Come prepared to work in any weather. Bring gloves and wear boots/shoes for muddy conditions. Lunch provided. Please let us know by April 6 if you are coming.
EDC Invasives Eradication Work Day
The Ecosystems Discernment Committee invites you to be part of a crew working to eradicate garlic mustard, non-native bittersweet and honeysuckle, and Autumn olive. Other species may be included in this work day. Bring loppers, hand clippers, gloves and a willing spirit. We will move through the woods where there are often wild roses and …
CANCELLED – EDC Invasives Eradication Work Day
This event has been cancelled. Plan to join us for a future workday. The Ecosystems Discernment Committee invites you to be part of a crew working to eradicate garlic mustard, non-native bittersweet and honeysuckle, and Autumn olive. Other species may be included in this work day. Bring loppers, hand clippers, gloves and a willing spirit. …
Raise-the-Roof Work Week
Phase two of the new chapel timber framing will be done the week of August 20 – 24. The four top plate beams will be cut and set on the already erected partially complete walls. Come help Jay Budde and other volunteers for all or part of the week. We will need help raising the …
EDC Garden Work Day
The Ecosystems Discernment Committee is hosting a Garden work day to help with the harvest and putting the garden to rest for the winter. Come with gloves and hand clippers. Lunch will be provided. Please let us know by September 28 if you will be joining us.
EDC Garden Work Day
The Ecosystems Discernment Committee is hosting a short Garden work day to help with putting the garden and flower beds to rest for the winter. Come with gloves and hand clippers. Lunch will be provided. Please let us know by November 2 if you will be joining us.