Hermitage Jam Work Day and Feast of the Transfiguration Retreat
August 4 & 5, 2017
Hermitage Jam, Friday, August 4
The annual jam-making workday will be held Friday, August 4 from 9 am – 4 pm. Join us for a day of berrying, jam-preparation and fellowship. Wresting the berries from the canes is a heroic task that leaves most pickers exhilarated, if a little scratched. It is so satisfying to pick a handful of berries all at once and then see them turned into a glorious black-purple jam. There are tasks in the field or the woods, and in the kitchen for all. If you have ever wanted to learn to make jam, this event is for you. If you love eating jam, just being outside, or hearing the “ker-plink, ker- plank, ker-plunk” of berries in your bucket, this event is for you. Participants can come for the day or for Friday and Saturday. The midday meal will be a salad and dessert potluck. Bring your favorite salad or whip up a batch of brownies to share. Those staying over will be treated to a cookout for
supper. The work day will begin at 9 am with Morning Prayer in the Grove.
Transfiguration Retreat, Saturday, August 5
The Feast of the Transfiguration retreat on Saturday, August 5, from 9 am to 4 pm, will be led by David and Naomi Wenger on the theme, “Until the day dawns,” exploring the possibility of spying God in the everyday. We will have time for prayer, walking, quiet, and communion around the Lord’s Table. There will also be a covenanting ritual for those choosing to be part of The Hermitage Way, for the coming year.
Join us for this retreat, counting our extra- ordinary, daily blessings. A midday meal will be provided for retreat guests on Saturday.
There is no cost to participants of the workday or the retreat. Donations are accepted for overnight stays before or after either day. Let us know you are coming or reserve a room: call (269-244-8696) or email (contact@hermitagecommunity.org) to let us know your intention.